3rd KL at SUFES Tapah

Posted on 24-Nov-2012

By Private Alfred Loh of 3rd Kuala Lumpur Company
Pictures by Sergeant Kodie Low and Private Lim JingYao
November 25-27, 2012
TAPAH, PERAK - The weekend of 24-26th November this year will forever be etched in the minds of 23 Juniors, 36 Seniors and 10 Officers who attended The 3rd Kuala Lumpur Boys Brigade’s year end camp organized by a 25-man committee.The 3 days 2 night camp was held at SUFES Campsite in Tapah, Perak. The objectives of the camp were to instill leadership qualities and improve teamwork among members.
Left: 3rd KL Boys gathering at the YMCA. Center: SUFES Campsite. Right: Setting up camp
Everyone was very excited though the whole two and half hour journey to the campsite, included one rest stop where we had our lunch. Upon arrival, they were immediately whisked off to the camp area car park where they were given a briefing on the rules and regulations at the camp by Private Adrian Chong. After briefing the facilitator, affectionately known as "Uncle Jack", thought us how to set up out tents, which took us half an hour. After tent setting, Lance Corporal Lim Weng Kwong allocated us into a groups of six, after which the facilitator brought the Senior Secction Boys to King’s Finger (a place in the campsite) and briefed us how to play the game.
 Left: Obstacle course! Center: Cooking their own meal. Right: Teambuilding sessions.
After briefing the Senior Boys, the facilitator brought the Juniors to the Obstacle Course for their own briefing. Both activities require teamwork. Though enjoyable, at King’s Finger everyone had a hard time taking the tyres out of the pole. Meanwhile, the Juniors were also struggling in the obstacle course balancing the log. The bright side was all of them were having so much fun helping each other out. After the Seniors and Juniors finished their activity, both sections switched courses and gave a go at the other match. After these activities, everyone was exhausting and went back to their tents to rest. At 6pm, Lance Corporal Chan Kai Mun briefed on what needs to be done before and after dinner. As per tradition and protocol, we sang the Table Grace before partaking the food. After dinner, the next activity was a night hike.We were briefed by the facilitator again and was warned that the ground will be very slippery due to the rain, which required us to help each other out while climbing up the hill. After night hike, everyone was tired and exhausted but had a lot of fun. Towards the end of the first day of camp, a closing prayer was said, the BB Vesper sung and everyone went to wash up before sleep.
On 25th November 7:15am, we gather at the car park to have our physical training lead by Lance Corporal Calven Goh. After physical training, everyone went to wash up and got ready for breakfast. Following that, we all went to the hall for our morning sessions, with the singspiration team lead by Corporal Khong Jia Ren and devotion by Miss Ruth Boh. At 11am, we had a little cooking competition. All the ingredients was prepared by the camp’s cook. The hardest part of this competition is when we needed to start the fire with charcoal and fire starter which took a long time.. and even longer to sustain. After cooking, which the final product was fried rice, we all settled down and had our lunch at the canteen. At 1.30pm, the facilitator gather all of us for the next event, which was stream trotting. The track to the stream took 30 minutes on foot which took us along the main road to Cameron Highlands, what seems like a durian orchard and nearby some orang asli settlements, before reaching the stream itself. The trotting took another hour before finally reaching the waterfall. After a long and hot walk, everyone jumped into the cool, freshing water to have some fun. After trotting we returned to camp for some rest and free time.
The Boys went river throtting
At 6pm, we had a BBQ dinner until 9pm. After dinner, we gathered in the hall to have a game session led by Lance Corporal Chan Kai Mun. We ended up playing charades, where he will think of a story or phrase and use movements to show everyone, of which we needed to guess what it was. The team who guessed it correctly receives a prize. Many prizes were given out to the winners. After the game, Mr Ng Jiehan took over and asked for volunteers of what they felt about the camp so far. Several brave souls came forward to share, but generally everyone was happy. Once again, the day concluded with vesper before everyone headed to sleep.
Left: BBQ for final dinner of camp. Center: So what to you feel about camp? Right: Amazing race. 
On the last day of camp, the day started at 7.30am with wash up and breakfast. At 9am, Lance Corporal Lim Weng Kwong briefed us on the Amazing. The game was simple - he will hand us a piece of paper, of which in it lies a clue of where we should go to next for the next game. The more game you play, the more points you earn. At the end of the game, he will collect all the papers back to calculate the scores and the team with the highest scores wins a mysterious prize. After the game everyone was very tried but they had fun.After the prize was given out, everyone went back to their tents to pack up their things and gathered at the canteen for lunch. A group photo was taking the the stream which flows through the campsite before boarding the bus and heading for home.
 3rd KL Group Photo at SUFES Tapah