Monday, Sept 26, 2011 - We appologise for not announcing details of the games much earlier as we were not able to secure a venue for this games until today.
We are pleased to inform you, thru 2nd KL's assistance, Kulgames Twenty Eleven will now be held in Methodist Boys' School (MBS) Sentul. All KL Companies are to submit the COMPANY REGISTRATION FORM by Oct 17 (Monday). This Company Registration Form will confirm the various sports your company is participating in and also the number of your members attending.
As for the TEAM REGISTRATION FORM, which will have names of the players, we will allow you to bring it on the competition day.
There will be a RM10 fee for each participant attending the games. This fee will cover lunch and some other expenses incurred.
The following sport/games will be played. Unless specified, each company can send only one team for each sport:
Jr Mini Futsal, Jr Captain Ball, Girls Captain Ball,
Table Tennis Singles (2) & Doubles (2), International Chess (4), Chinese Chess (4),
Sr Mini Futsal, Sr Volleyball, Sr Basketball
and Tug of War (open).
Points will be awarded for each sport and it will be accumulated for the overall champion. Details on the point system will be released later.
For any enquiries, you can always email to or drop a comment in our facebook page.