The Work of The Boys' Brigade

Posted on 12-Nov-2014

Writing by Wong Zhen Lam of 10th Kuala Lumpur Company
Published November 12th, 2014

Without joining The Boy’s Brigade, most people think that it’s a uniform body which only involves discipline, drill, and getting scolded by the officers. The truth is, BB is a lot more than just those activities, both in terms of fun and variety.

For me, The Boys' Brigade is like a second set of parents, having have trained me to be more discipline, punctual and so much more. When I first joined BB, I was just a recruit with a fear of messing up and  feared scoldings from my officers and NCOs.

Today, I have become an NCO and now it is my turn to help the recruits, like how the NCOs that helped me when I was a recruit. I still remember of how those NCOs guided me through my first few years in Boys' Brigade, teaching me how to solve problems, and many other useful wonderful things.

I really appreciate that God gave me the opportunity to join The Boys' Brigade. In BB, I learned how to drill, how to hoist a flag well, how to be a squad leader, an NCO and so much more. BB really does help me a lot in my life.

My first camp ever was a BB camp – boot camp. Although boot camp was tough, I enjoyed it because of both learning how to polish and fun games during the camp. Every BB member knows how important polishing is, making this new skill one I really appreciated.

I first experienced hoisting the flag as a second year brigadier. The flag party consists of two positions per flag - the flag escort or flag bearer. It started one morning before opening parade. I was told by my NCO that I would be the flag escort for that day, basically the flag bearer's assistant.

At first I thought it was an easy job, but the minute the work began, watching the flag bearer tie some complicated knots, I started have doubts. This single experience has encouraged me to avoid criticizing others too much, simply because I know how hard being a flag bearer is.

I had my first so called “music lesson” in BB, when I joined the band. The band in my company is held every morning before the parade start, and lasts for two hours a week. My first time carrying a musical instrument was during the band session, as I have never learned any instrument outside of band. Now, during the band practices, I play the bass drum, and I love it.

Boys' Brigade has really thought me a lot of new things and new skills. These new skills and that I have learned have been very useful in my life outside BB. My hope for BB is that it will grow. Not just my company, or the companies in Kuala Lumpur or Malaysia, but in the whole world. I want BB to touch every corner of the world. Why? Because without BB, I wouldn’t be who I am now.

Page Created: 12th October 2014
Last Updated: 12th October 2014